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16 17 years young
HS Junior SENIOR \:D/
I cannot function in a world without music.
I want to fly.
I admit to being extremely random.
I shop to stay sane.
I ♥ my BHs.
I want to travel the world someday.
I learn from the TV.
I actually love school. :|
I believe I am a superhero in my own right. ;))
I lead, but it is He who leads me.
Not the next.
The first.
I can't believe I still have this
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Prevalence
Now Playing: Keith Urban - Kiss a Girl I think I’ve been pretty late with my Summer Happy List thing, so I’ll be making a doubly long one today.
1. Review classes I called it treachery before, but I have to admit—I really did learn to like it and everything that came with it. Fast—and occasionally slow—food, my Kostka G classmates (some of them anyway), our teachers, the endless jokes.. I could go all day. Although towards the end I was itching for all of it to end, I’ll definitely miss having review classes.
2. American Idol I’m not immune to the lure of this tremendously popular show. Somehow it is an addiction that never ceases. It always goes on like this: at the start of the season it’s just a teeny spark of interest, and then it steadily grows into an internal mania that makes me do crazy things, like make me my own Kris poster while watching at home (seriously!). And it will probably be stronger than ever after this season, which I believe is their best yet. That’s saying a lot, since I thought the David showdown last year was nothing short of phenomenal. (Of course I might be biased on both accounts, where my chosen ones ended up winning.)
3. American Idol podcasts Since I don’t have too much people around to harass about my Idol and Kris fixation, I turn to podcasts. My favorite by far is the Kool 105.5 American Idol Fan Show. It is a gold mine of laughs. I also like AOL Television’s Something Pitchy and The Idle Review with Josh and Jen, probably because they’re also going for Kris. Will definitely continue listening to supplement my Idol experience next year.
4. American Idol blogs I’m reading them for the very reason I download the podcasts. Really glad I did, for because of it I’ve met some of my new favorite writers—the insightful, eloquent Michael Slezak from EW, the fierce Richard Lawson from Defamer (I fell in love him in one of his earlier recaps where he called Lil Rounds a “creature” and Nathaniel Marshall a “funky gay kid with the headband”—spot on!) and the brilliant forumers at TWoP.
5. Karaoke Now before this installment of SHL looks like a tribute to Idol, let me make it clear that this time I’m referring to real karaoke. Or videoke if that’s the better term (what the shit is the difference anyway?). Last Tuesday, Czare, Gen, Maf and I celebrated the end of review classes at Eastwood. After eating at Fazoli’s, we burned time at one of the karaoke rooms at Timezone. It really remains a mystery as to how singing bad songs (sometimes good, but mostly bad) for hours can be fun, but it totally is. We swore to return, and I’m looking forward to that.
6. Red Mango I’m a huge yogurt nut, and here I had the best fro yo ever. It’s exquisite. Love mine with some mango, peaches and chocolate chips. I’m drooling just thinking about it.
7. The Gossip Girl season finale I don’t want to spoil anything to those who haven’t watched it yet. Trust me, spoilers would take some of the magic away from it. If you want to see the magic I’m talking about, get your Torrent on and download now. It’s an awesome end to an awesome season.
8. Boystown Good golly. Currently enjoying this show on ABS. Plot and practically everything else is expected and cliché, but I can’t remember watching a more handsome cast. Hello Robi and Enchong!
9. School shopping! We’ve started last Saturday, and now it feels like summer really is fast drawing to a close. But school shopping is always a treat, me always like getting new stuff even if they are for school. Yesterday I got me this gorgeous bag from Nike. It’s a tad too small (as usual—I hardly bring home stuff from my locker) and comes in a lovely deep purple. I originally wanted it in black, but after like five years of using a neutral-colored Nike bag for school, I guessed it was time for a change.
10. Angels and Demons Because of a very wrong spoiler from one of my review class classmates, I watched the entirety of this movie with eyes that awaited death of all the cast members. It didn’t happen. (Oops I just spoiled the whole thing. Heehee.) But it’s an amazing movie either way, very unexpected, staggeringly exciting. Leads you to wonder what kind of freakin childhood Dan Brown had to come up with something as disturbingly morbid and magnificent as this.
11. The Unicorn Club: In Love with Mandy I’m a huge bookworm, anyone who has been to my house and seen my budding library can see that. So I’ve obviously read tons of books, but this one manages to stand out, as I’ve realized after rereading yesterday. It is off The Unicorn Club, a spin-off of the Sweet Valley series. The title sounds cheesy and mushy and whatnot, but this truly is one story I will always remember. It’s a beautiful, cinematic fairy tale about love, friendship and sacrifice. I’ve read it too many times to count but I never tire of it, and it gets me every damn time.
♥ ayna: 3:54 PM.
Thursday, May 21, 2009 No Boundaries
I didn’t know it, of course I didn’t. But I believed. And somehow, that’s even better.
The backlash will inevitably happen. That sucks, but nothing can change what had already taken place. To all those who are bitter, your glam god may deserve this, but he deserves this too. His timely rise is democracy in action, determination in completion, hope in fulfillment—and I couldn’t be any happier.
Kris Allen is our American Idol. Congratulations! :)
♥ ayna: 2:08 PM.
Friday, May 15, 2009 I'll sing along.
I know I had already given him major pimpage in this blog (unlike on the damn show), but he just mesmerizes and inspires me so much I feel the need to post about him.
Yesterday, my love Kris Allen has defied all odds and reached the final two in American Idol. And in a season where the producers seem to have thrashed subtlety in their favoritism and unjust manipulating, this is a miracle indeed. He’s the cannon fodder, the dark horse or whatever you call it. It’s just amazing to see how far he’s gone with his incredible talent, artistry and sheer ingenuity (and his being so darn adorable doesn’t hurt either).
For weeks now I’ve been totally fangirl-ing over him—I couldn’t be more proud of it. At this very moment, I have a bajillion tabs on my Mozilla page about him and I couldn’t dare keep my eyes of them. He amazes, he really does. He has won this heart, along with millions of others. The finale is next week—and though he’s up against a formidable, truly talented (though annoyingly screechy) opponent with hoards of crazed fans—I truly believe he can win this thing.

It's time that you won.
♥ ayna: 10:20 PM.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Magic feeling and whatnot
I completely adore the GG Tuesday A.M. Index at Gossip Girl Insider. I’m following it for this post on our review classes, which is becoming pretty fun. I’m enjoying!
Let me see.
- I hate waking up every day and realizing I have nothing to wear. Minus 5.
- Break times last for only 15 minutes. If the teacher is a not-time conscious peach (such as Math 3’s Sir Gino), it goes a little overtime. But still. Minus 2.
- You’d think that the measly allotted time for breaks would equate to a generous lunch break. Not. One hour for locating a place to eat at, actually eating and what not? Hell we have to hurry returning to Kostka. Minus 8.
- We’re actually going to have a class picture? Plus 2.
- But we have to pay? Of course we do. D’oh. Minus 1.
- Some of our classmates wear the funniest statement shirts ever. I'd give an example, but then it would be obvious. Plus 6.
- English made me realize that my vocabulary is unfortunately very limited. Not good for my self-esteem. Minus 7.
- Math 2 is horrible. Difficulty-level word problem in less than a minute? Impossible. Minus 7.
- No one, but no one, understands Chem. Minus 13.
- Physics. I’m sorry I just can’t enjoy it—‘di ako bibbo. Minus 10.
- Review classes truly bind people together. And so do jokes about our classmates and teachers. God my tummy still hurts from all the laughing. Plus 10.
- Being with Czare, Gen and Mafee. Plus 20.
- Despite time constraint and the dent it leaves on my wallet, I love eating out. How many restaurants have we eaten in for the past week? Plus 8.
- One word: McDonalds’. Minus 2.
- They’re okay, but I’m really not feeling the mock exams. My grades are fine, though they’re nothing to jump up and down about. Minus 4.
- Because we were noisy, we had to leave our perfectly fine classroom and go to the isolated one at the very top of the building. My feet aren’t too happy, and so are we. Minus 12.
- But that definitely brought the class together, didn’t it? Plus 5.
- Our teachers are a colorful bunch. They give us loads to talk about. And I actually learn from them. Plus 9.
- The jokes! I can’t get enough of them. Hilarious. Plus 10.
The random pluses and minuses amount to exactly 50 points. Awesome. So I like review classes more than I hate them. ;)
♥ ayna: 9:16 PM.
Friday, May 08, 2009 Captured
First day, I was already feeling it. Second day, somehow I knew it. Third, I was slowly being consumed. And fourth—well, I was on the verge of admitting it.
There was it, no doubt about that. But though everything was working along with it, I couldn’t bring myself to acknowledge its growing control over me. It makes one vulnerable you know, admitting. So I didn’t allow myself to. But now I can’t take it anymore.
I truly did try. It took a lot of my willpower to force it at the back of my mind, and I struggled to shut it out, only to fail miserably. I mean, how can you? It's impossible when the very thing you want to avoid is just right beside you.
Sana makausap na talaga kita. Pero masyado akong torpe eh. And you’re off-limits.
♥ ayna: 10:17 PM.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009 In flames
Now Playing: The Friday Night Boys - You Do, You Don’t Yesterday, I started my 12-day, 120-hour, 8am to 5pm review at Expert Guides. Along with Czare, Gen and Maf, I’m part of Batch 9 Kostka G. One thing I’ve noticed is how review classes is the United Nations assembly of schools. Everyone is there, all kinds of people from all kinds of schools. You guys are just kind of thrown together by a common objective, and you have to make things work, lest you want chaos. In our class, there’s no dominant group (meaning guys who have the gall to be noisy and cocky just because they’re the greatest number), which is good, but then it’s all cricket-cricket as of now. Hopefully we’d grow noisier over the next few days, but not too noisy of course. You know how I feel about noisy.
Anyway. Somehow I kind of rue the day I actually thought it was a good idea to enroll in this treachery. It’s not that bad sure, but it is when I think that I could still be enjoying my sleep privileges to the maximum, taking advantage of something I have so longed for during the school year. I could be saving some cash by not having to buy lunch every day at whatever resto at the Katipunan strip we feel like going. And I could be freeing my mind from cooking up creative ways on how the hell I can get home.
Speaking of that—commuting is always an option, though an unwelcome one. I’ve been commuting for years now, but my first time to actually ride a jeepney alone was last Monday. The second time was just a while ago and though it was relatively fine, I have to say the claustrophobic-ness of it all gave me a major case of the heebee-jeebies.
But at least, I’m letting myself be productive. And what would I do at home anyway? (Watch good TV, burn my ass in front of the computer screen.. but that’s besides the point.) I’ve said this many times, that review classes may or may not make that much of a difference, but whatever happens, it would still be a huge part of the college preparation experience. Plus, I get to see so many of my batchmates again. Be it superfun activities or a heinous crapfest of lessons, I wouldn’t mind going through anything as long as I have them.
But whatever, really. I got myself into this mess, and I guess I should just find a way to enjoy it.
♥ ayna: 10:03 PM.
Monday, May 04, 2009 No she di'int!
Review classes begin tomorrow. Damn. (Not today. Oops!)
♥ ayna: 5:31 PM.
Now Playing: Keith Urban - Kiss a Girl I think I’ve been pretty late with my Summer Happy List thing, so I’ll be making a doubly long one today.
1. Review classes I called it treachery before, but I have to admit—I really did learn to like it and everything that came with it. Fast—and occasionally slow—food, my Kostka G classmates (some of them anyway), our teachers, the endless jokes.. I could go all day. Although towards the end I was itching for all of it to end, I’ll definitely miss having review classes.
2. American Idol I’m not immune to the lure of this tremendously popular show. Somehow it is an addiction that never ceases. It always goes on like this: at the start of the season it’s just a teeny spark of interest, and then it steadily grows into an internal mania that makes me do crazy things, like make me my own Kris poster while watching at home (seriously!). And it will probably be stronger than ever after this season, which I believe is their best yet. That’s saying a lot, since I thought the David showdown last year was nothing short of phenomenal. (Of course I might be biased on both accounts, where my chosen ones ended up winning.)
3. American Idol podcasts Since I don’t have too much people around to harass about my Idol and Kris fixation, I turn to podcasts. My favorite by far is the Kool 105.5 American Idol Fan Show. It is a gold mine of laughs. I also like AOL Television’s Something Pitchy and The Idle Review with Josh and Jen, probably because they’re also going for Kris. Will definitely continue listening to supplement my Idol experience next year.
4. American Idol blogs I’m reading them for the very reason I download the podcasts. Really glad I did, for because of it I’ve met some of my new favorite writers—the insightful, eloquent Michael Slezak from EW, the fierce Richard Lawson from Defamer (I fell in love him in one of his earlier recaps where he called Lil Rounds a “creature” and Nathaniel Marshall a “funky gay kid with the headband”—spot on!) and the brilliant forumers at TWoP.
5. Karaoke Now before this installment of SHL looks like a tribute to Idol, let me make it clear that this time I’m referring to real karaoke. Or videoke if that’s the better term (what the shit is the difference anyway?). Last Tuesday, Czare, Gen, Maf and I celebrated the end of review classes at Eastwood. After eating at Fazoli’s, we burned time at one of the karaoke rooms at Timezone. It really remains a mystery as to how singing bad songs (sometimes good, but mostly bad) for hours can be fun, but it totally is. We swore to return, and I’m looking forward to that.
6. Red Mango I’m a huge yogurt nut, and here I had the best fro yo ever. It’s exquisite. Love mine with some mango, peaches and chocolate chips. I’m drooling just thinking about it.
7. The Gossip Girl season finale I don’t want to spoil anything to those who haven’t watched it yet. Trust me, spoilers would take some of the magic away from it. If you want to see the magic I’m talking about, get your Torrent on and download now. It’s an awesome end to an awesome season.
8. Boystown Good golly. Currently enjoying this show on ABS. Plot and practically everything else is expected and cliché, but I can’t remember watching a more handsome cast. Hello Robi and Enchong!
9. School shopping! We’ve started last Saturday, and now it feels like summer really is fast drawing to a close. But school shopping is always a treat, me always like getting new stuff even if they are for school. Yesterday I got me this gorgeous bag from Nike. It’s a tad too small (as usual—I hardly bring home stuff from my locker) and comes in a lovely deep purple. I originally wanted it in black, but after like five years of using a neutral-colored Nike bag for school, I guessed it was time for a change.
10. Angels and Demons Because of a very wrong spoiler from one of my review class classmates, I watched the entirety of this movie with eyes that awaited death of all the cast members. It didn’t happen. (Oops I just spoiled the whole thing. Heehee.) But it’s an amazing movie either way, very unexpected, staggeringly exciting. Leads you to wonder what kind of freakin childhood Dan Brown had to come up with something as disturbingly morbid and magnificent as this.
11. The Unicorn Club: In Love with Mandy I’m a huge bookworm, anyone who has been to my house and seen my budding library can see that. So I’ve obviously read tons of books, but this one manages to stand out, as I’ve realized after rereading yesterday. It is off The Unicorn Club, a spin-off of the Sweet Valley series. The title sounds cheesy and mushy and whatnot, but this truly is one story I will always remember. It’s a beautiful, cinematic fairy tale about love, friendship and sacrifice. I’ve read it too many times to count but I never tire of it, and it gets me every damn time.
No Boundaries
I didn’t know it, of course I didn’t. But I believed. And somehow, that’s even better.
The backlash will inevitably happen. That sucks, but nothing can change what had already taken place. To all those who are bitter, your glam god may deserve this, but he deserves this too. His timely rise is democracy in action, determination in completion, hope in fulfillment—and I couldn’t be any happier.
Kris Allen is our American Idol. Congratulations! :)
I'll sing along.
I know I had already given him major pimpage in this blog (unlike on the damn show), but he just mesmerizes and inspires me so much I feel the need to post about him.
Yesterday, my love Kris Allen has defied all odds and reached the final two in American Idol. And in a season where the producers seem to have thrashed subtlety in their favoritism and unjust manipulating, this is a miracle indeed. He’s the cannon fodder, the dark horse or whatever you call it. It’s just amazing to see how far he’s gone with his incredible talent, artistry and sheer ingenuity (and his being so darn adorable doesn’t hurt either).
For weeks now I’ve been totally fangirl-ing over him—I couldn’t be more proud of it. At this very moment, I have a bajillion tabs on my Mozilla page about him and I couldn’t dare keep my eyes of them. He amazes, he really does. He has won this heart, along with millions of others. The finale is next week—and though he’s up against a formidable, truly talented (though annoyingly screechy) opponent with hoards of crazed fans—I truly believe he can win this thing.

It's time that you won.
Magic feeling and whatnot
I completely adore the GG Tuesday A.M. Index at Gossip Girl Insider. I’m following it for this post on our review classes, which is becoming pretty fun. I’m enjoying!
Let me see.
- I hate waking up every day and realizing I have nothing to wear. Minus 5.
- Break times last for only 15 minutes. If the teacher is a not-time conscious peach (such as Math 3’s Sir Gino), it goes a little overtime. But still. Minus 2.
- You’d think that the measly allotted time for breaks would equate to a generous lunch break. Not. One hour for locating a place to eat at, actually eating and what not? Hell we have to hurry returning to Kostka. Minus 8.
- We’re actually going to have a class picture? Plus 2.
- But we have to pay? Of course we do. D’oh. Minus 1.
- Some of our classmates wear the funniest statement shirts ever. I'd give an example, but then it would be obvious. Plus 6.
- English made me realize that my vocabulary is unfortunately very limited. Not good for my self-esteem. Minus 7.
- Math 2 is horrible. Difficulty-level word problem in less than a minute? Impossible. Minus 7.
- No one, but no one, understands Chem. Minus 13.
- Physics. I’m sorry I just can’t enjoy it—‘di ako bibbo. Minus 10.
- Review classes truly bind people together. And so do jokes about our classmates and teachers. God my tummy still hurts from all the laughing. Plus 10.
- Being with Czare, Gen and Mafee. Plus 20.
- Despite time constraint and the dent it leaves on my wallet, I love eating out. How many restaurants have we eaten in for the past week? Plus 8.
- One word: McDonalds’. Minus 2.
- They’re okay, but I’m really not feeling the mock exams. My grades are fine, though they’re nothing to jump up and down about. Minus 4.
- Because we were noisy, we had to leave our perfectly fine classroom and go to the isolated one at the very top of the building. My feet aren’t too happy, and so are we. Minus 12.
- But that definitely brought the class together, didn’t it? Plus 5.
- Our teachers are a colorful bunch. They give us loads to talk about. And I actually learn from them. Plus 9.
- The jokes! I can’t get enough of them. Hilarious. Plus 10.
The random pluses and minuses amount to exactly 50 points. Awesome. So I like review classes more than I hate them. ;)
First day, I was already feeling it. Second day, somehow I knew it. Third, I was slowly being consumed. And fourth—well, I was on the verge of admitting it.
There was it, no doubt about that. But though everything was working along with it, I couldn’t bring myself to acknowledge its growing control over me. It makes one vulnerable you know, admitting. So I didn’t allow myself to. But now I can’t take it anymore.
I truly did try. It took a lot of my willpower to force it at the back of my mind, and I struggled to shut it out, only to fail miserably. I mean, how can you? It's impossible when the very thing you want to avoid is just right beside you.
Sana makausap na talaga kita. Pero masyado akong torpe eh. And you’re off-limits.
In flames
Now Playing: The Friday Night Boys - You Do, You Don’t Yesterday, I started my 12-day, 120-hour, 8am to 5pm review at Expert Guides. Along with Czare, Gen and Maf, I’m part of Batch 9 Kostka G. One thing I’ve noticed is how review classes is the United Nations assembly of schools. Everyone is there, all kinds of people from all kinds of schools. You guys are just kind of thrown together by a common objective, and you have to make things work, lest you want chaos. In our class, there’s no dominant group (meaning guys who have the gall to be noisy and cocky just because they’re the greatest number), which is good, but then it’s all cricket-cricket as of now. Hopefully we’d grow noisier over the next few days, but not too noisy of course. You know how I feel about noisy.
Anyway. Somehow I kind of rue the day I actually thought it was a good idea to enroll in this treachery. It’s not that bad sure, but it is when I think that I could still be enjoying my sleep privileges to the maximum, taking advantage of something I have so longed for during the school year. I could be saving some cash by not having to buy lunch every day at whatever resto at the Katipunan strip we feel like going. And I could be freeing my mind from cooking up creative ways on how the hell I can get home.
Speaking of that—commuting is always an option, though an unwelcome one. I’ve been commuting for years now, but my first time to actually ride a jeepney alone was last Monday. The second time was just a while ago and though it was relatively fine, I have to say the claustrophobic-ness of it all gave me a major case of the heebee-jeebies.
But at least, I’m letting myself be productive. And what would I do at home anyway? (Watch good TV, burn my ass in front of the computer screen.. but that’s besides the point.) I’ve said this many times, that review classes may or may not make that much of a difference, but whatever happens, it would still be a huge part of the college preparation experience. Plus, I get to see so many of my batchmates again. Be it superfun activities or a heinous crapfest of lessons, I wouldn’t mind going through anything as long as I have them.
But whatever, really. I got myself into this mess, and I guess I should just find a way to enjoy it.
No she di'int!
Review classes begin tomorrow. Damn. (Not today. Oops!)
*An amazing prom
*Learn to drive
*To still be in Section 2 with my loves Kind of ;))
*Step foot on NYC ♥
*All Time Low’s So Wrong, It’s Right
*A new iPod
*A white MacBook Pro
*Kris Allen as my American Idol
*Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
*Saving Juliet by Suzanne Selfors
*A new pair of shades
*Automatic Loveletter’s first studio album to come out
*The entire season of Hunter x Hunter and Ultra Maniac
*Skullcandy headphones
*See Marc Nelson in person! :”>
*A new watch
*The 5th time
*A Canon/Nikon DSLR
*A prized neoprint :> :>
*Watch a live NBA game
*My own Robbie (Aaron Johnson) ♥
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