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16 17 years young
HS Junior SENIOR \:D/
I cannot function in a world without music.
I want to fly.
I admit to being extremely random.
I shop to stay sane.
I ♥ my BHs.
I want to travel the world someday.
I learn from the TV.
I actually love school. :|
I believe I am a superhero in my own right. ;))
I lead, but it is He who leads me.
Not the next.
The first.
I can't believe I still have this
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 Quiet storm
Something always brings me back to you. It never takes too long. No matter what I say or do, I'll still feel you here 'til the moment I'm gone.
You hold me without touch. You keep me without chains. I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love and not feel your reign.
Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity. Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be. But you're on to me and all over me.
You loved me 'cause I'm fragile, When I thought that I was strong. But you touch me for a little while, and all my fragile strength is gone.
Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity. Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be. But you're on to me and all over me.
I live here on my knees, as I try to make you see that you're everything I think I need here on the ground. But you're neither friend nor foe though I can't seem to let you go - The one thing that I still know is that you're keeping me down.
Sara Bareilles - Gravity
♥ ayna: 6:24 PM.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 Maybe I will.
I've got soul but I'm not a soldier. -- All These Things That I've Done; The Killers It's the season of college entrance exams. It will officially begin with a bang next weekend, where the UPCAT will finally befall us.
Anyway. On the way home a while ago, Mej and Pat asked me a question I haven't asked myself.
"Ano gagawin mo kapag nakapasa ka sa lahat?"
I honestly don't know. Because I honestly am not sure if I will even pass. I want to - desperately - and I believe I can. (The power of affirmation yo! The Secret!) And that for me is ALWAYS better than actually knowing.
The only answer I could give then was, I'd cry. And now I'm realizing how real that is. It would be like a culmination of everything the college entrance exam season had put (and will be putting) me through. It would be the exhale after weeks (and soon, months) of staring at my modules. It would be an expression of relief, happiness, and just unadulterated gratitude for living through it all.
If I would among the 10,000 out of the 70,000 that would be so blessed to be among the iskolar ng bayan - I'd cry. If I would be able to be a part of the Ateneo community, which had always been my dream school ever since I could remember - I'd cry. if I would be able to be accepted to the immensely difficult quota courses I had chosen - I'd cry.
I want to cry that cry.
♥ ayna: 7:13 PM.
I've shared about my fugly wound and cellulitis, right? Largely thanks to the hoards of tablets I've been taking, they're starting to heal already. The blood and the creepy green exudate have flowed out freely from my wound in all their gross glory for days, but it had stopped just a while ago. In place of pure infected terror, I now have a tiny hole on my right forearm. A HOLE DAMMIT!
♥ ayna: 10:44 PM.
Selfish kind of love
Now Playing: James Morrison - Man in the Mirror (This is a really really brilliant cover. I'm torn between this and the acoustic one Kris did during his Conway homecoming.)
The new typhoon couldn't have come at a better time. No CAT! No Algeb UT! And I can study for college entrance tests again!
The awesome weather is just a plus. ;)
♥ ayna: 8:51 AM.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 You've got me poppin'
My first absent.
I could NOT believe in hell that I now actually have an absent in my Senior year. I've always had perfect attendance, and the only stuff that prevents me from going to school are stuff like a really bad ankle from stupid jump rope-ing (Grade 4), dengue (Grade 6) and powerful stress-induced fevers (Grade 7).
Now, you can add cellulitis and freakin infected wound to that list.
Basically, I have a HORRIBLE thing on my right forearm. It started off as this tiny red bump. It grew uglier and uglier everyday, and now it's climbing its fast-becoming one of the grossest things I've ever seen (ETA: now it's so ugly, it makes my classmates cover their mouths in horror). I could, but I wouldn't describe it in detail; it'd easily make you barf last Thursday's lunch.
But I'm making myself productive now, actually. Studying for the upcoming college entrance tests.
Last Sunday, we watched Hannah Montana: The Movie. Finally - been raring to watch it onscreen for a long time now. And it's actually really good. The "The Climb" scene had me in tears.
Since the wholesome Disney dose left me wanting a bit more, I succumbed to watching the then-dormant Princess Protection Program on my iPod. I wasn't disappointed - it was Disney fluff through and through. But that's not a bad thing, really.
Other movies I'm waiting to watch:
- Toy Story 3 One of my favorite childhood movies! I can't believe there'd actually be a part 3.
- Up Because Pixar movies are love.
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- The Ugly Truth
- Funny People
- I Love You, Beth Cooper Just because it's a high school movie all the way.
- (500) Days of Summer Zooey Deschanel ♥
- My Sister's Keeper
- New York, I Love You I have a feeling it's going to be my next He's Just Not That Into You.
- Final Destination 4 Airplane crash, car crash, roller coaster malfunction.. I'm pining for a haunted classroom next!
♥ ayna: 8:58 PM.
Friday, July 10, 2009 Blue sunset
Boy I'm tired. My feet cries in pain.
But I did find them. ;)
Gaby, my Kapatiran sister - thanks so much! >:D<
♥ ayna: 10:44 PM.
Thursday, July 09, 2009 The Search for the Perfect Vest
Just a while ago, Mig accompanied me to RP, where I searched for The Perfect Vest for my Boy Abunda costume for the celebrity cruise-themed Kapatiran. (Wonder why I went for him? Look up "Banana Split NNNN" on YouTube. Incredible.) We harrassed numerous stores to no avail. During our little break, as I was sipping my deliciously sour green mango Fruitas shake, I was profusely ranting that I could not believe how hard it is to find a decent vest. Just as I was planning to give up, we chanced upon Ate Joy, who pointed me to Bayo (which I missed for some reason), and I found this great black 50%-off vest.
(While scouring RP, I had our househelp ask my Tito Reg if he has a vest I can borrow. He did have one and it's more Boy Abunda-y - it's silky - so I've decided to use it instead. Absolutely no regrets about the great buy, though.)
Now, I hope that's going to be kind of what happens in our Kapatiran culminating activity tomorrow.
This was supposed to happen two weeks ago. We were at the peak of the Kapatiran - everyone was having the time of their lives, and I bet this includes the Freshmen who had to strut their supermodel strut down the caf, butt-spell the names of an entire barkada on top of a table, and do their best Sisa impersonation in front of a deliriously amused crowd. But stupid quarantine disrupted our plans, and now we have no choice to make do with tomorrow.
We made the most of it, though. We worked our usual magic and managed to still get the pool and extend the activity up to 6pm (CIRs, revised scheds and announcements all in one day - you don't know how tedious that really is). It was cramming at its best.
But that doesn't stop me from being scared. There are still a lot of loopholes here and there, still a lot of stuff to resolve. I'm tired as hell too. For some reason, this day drained me more than any preparation day for the prom ever did. I'm attributing it to the scary fact that I'd be dealing with two batches for a change, when I'm unsurprisingly very used to just one. (And now I'm realizing a blessing in disguise here.)
But whatever happens, I hope I find my Ate Joy tomorrow. And my vest.
♥ ayna: 6:24 PM.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009 When all your love is gone, who will save me?
Watched videos of the American Idol 09 Tour. And ohwow. Kris Allen in Bright Lights - lethal.
♥ ayna: 8:56 PM.
Saturday, July 04, 2009 Shortcuts and longer ways
The 10-Day Quarantine is officially over. Not really sure how I feel about that.
Since I apparently once more don't have much to say, I will utilize the shotgun method of blogging!
* A few weeks back, I read on the TWOP forums that the Kris Allen LJ community is planning to do a birthday video for him. I've just seen it recently, and it melted me on the spot. It's set to the crapfest that is No Boundaries, which is growing on me at an exponential rate (I was singing along while watching - he really does makes everything kick awesome). You can view it here. Really wish I could've been part of something like this though! * Hilary Duff on GG is all kinds of wrong. * As I am typing this, I am printing all my Quarantine homework. And boy, they're a lot. School's wasting way too much of our bond paper supply. And ink! * I actually already started on my ACET essay. Needs a whole lot of adding and editing, but the point is there. Hee. Sorry for being so excited. @-) * I still can't believe that I had the balls to make my paper on Philo ("What do you wonder most about?" - another hella crazy question) be about nen, chakra, chi and/or spirit energy. I am watching way too much anime. * Okay I admit it. I have given in. I have started to read some of the fanfics from the link *below*. It's crazy, and I kind of hate myself for actually enjoying it. * Slender blond boy, indeed! * Been spending a lot of my time in the HxH NexGear forums. There's this insanely funny pic in one of the users' signature (Bevanz). Click to see. It's priceless. --> See what I mean? I LAUGHED FOR DAYS. * And yet another link: I've just discovered the most awesome place to download scans of Japanese fashion magazines. Happy! (I plan to scan-share soon.)
♥ ayna: 10:59 PM.
Thursday, July 02, 2009 Crazy chasing
Quarantine Day #9
* It sucks that I only figured out now that Hero airs Akazukin Cha Cha (my childhood anime) on 5:30 pm. * Speaking of childhood anime, Yu Yu Hakusho on Animax is nearing the semi-finals of the DT! Can't wait to see Kurama the Fox. :x * The Pokemon ep yesterday was so KAWAII! May's widdle Squirtle is precious. * This site is incredible, to say the very least. Shounen-ai and yaoi fanfic galore. Mind you, I don't actually read them - it's just an amazing collection. HxH fans should check out The Ninety-Six-Second Summary of Hunter x Hunter. It is a masterpiece. * ECON IS TORTURE. I'm sick of graphs. * I have still yet to finish my IP proposal thing. * I need to get me some new magazines. The collector in me is getting antsy. * Anyone know where I can get decent El Fili chapter summaries in English??
♥ ayna: 9:19 PM.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009 Nothing like a little irony
Ms. ____, HAVE A HEART. Ms. _______, do you really think we could get this on our own? Stop being delusional please. We can't! We're not *sniff* perfect! Ms. __, this is asking for too much. Ms. _______, not everyone likes to read yo. Mr. _____/___, in the end you are the one who's going to have a difficult time reading all these essays. Three per student? And what if we all produce horrible writing? So there. Ms. ____, thank you for the MINIMAL amount of homework. Ms. _____, same goes for you too. Ms. ___, I was planning to do copy-paste-cite but thought against it. Now I think my SWOT paper is ten levels of brilliant. You better agree. Ms. ___, you scare me. So even if it is totally against all aspects of my will, I will do your shit. Ms. ______/__/__, it's true what they say. Non-acads can RUIN you.
I am a mess.
Okay. On to less troubling stuff (or not).
One of the two essays we have to do for Philo asks the age-old question "What is the meaning of my life?" The moment I read that on the now-infamous ample homework-filled blackboard, I was shocked beyond words. No, really? Some of us aren't even sure of what to take up in college and now we're being shoved a highly-debated theological, religious and even scientific (and possibly RHETORICAL) question?
To counter that, I just typed mindless blah on my MS Word document until I satisfied myself. But before that I researched the question on ever-reliable (or not) Wikipedia and look at the dirt I found. Here's a bit of the last two of the "Popular Views" part (had to cut some parts - it's okay, not too important anyway):

Ha. Funny.
I went with the one I lined with red. Not just because it's going to make a short explanation, but also because I kind of truly agree.
So what do you think is the meaning of your life?
(If our Philo teacher can throw that question around, so can I.)
♥ ayna: 8:27 PM.
Quiet storm
Something always brings me back to you. It never takes too long. No matter what I say or do, I'll still feel you here 'til the moment I'm gone.
You hold me without touch. You keep me without chains. I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love and not feel your reign.
Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity. Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be. But you're on to me and all over me.
You loved me 'cause I'm fragile, When I thought that I was strong. But you touch me for a little while, and all my fragile strength is gone.
Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity. Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be. But you're on to me and all over me.
I live here on my knees, as I try to make you see that you're everything I think I need here on the ground. But you're neither friend nor foe though I can't seem to let you go - The one thing that I still know is that you're keeping me down.
Sara Bareilles - Gravity
Maybe I will.
I've got soul but I'm not a soldier. -- All These Things That I've Done; The Killers It's the season of college entrance exams. It will officially begin with a bang next weekend, where the UPCAT will finally befall us.
Anyway. On the way home a while ago, Mej and Pat asked me a question I haven't asked myself.
"Ano gagawin mo kapag nakapasa ka sa lahat?"
I honestly don't know. Because I honestly am not sure if I will even pass. I want to - desperately - and I believe I can. (The power of affirmation yo! The Secret!) And that for me is ALWAYS better than actually knowing.
The only answer I could give then was, I'd cry. And now I'm realizing how real that is. It would be like a culmination of everything the college entrance exam season had put (and will be putting) me through. It would be the exhale after weeks (and soon, months) of staring at my modules. It would be an expression of relief, happiness, and just unadulterated gratitude for living through it all.
If I would among the 10,000 out of the 70,000 that would be so blessed to be among the iskolar ng bayan - I'd cry. If I would be able to be a part of the Ateneo community, which had always been my dream school ever since I could remember - I'd cry. if I would be able to be accepted to the immensely difficult quota courses I had chosen - I'd cry.
I want to cry that cry.
I've shared about my fugly wound and cellulitis, right? Largely thanks to the hoards of tablets I've been taking, they're starting to heal already. The blood and the creepy green exudate have flowed out freely from my wound in all their gross glory for days, but it had stopped just a while ago. In place of pure infected terror, I now have a tiny hole on my right forearm. A HOLE DAMMIT!
Selfish kind of love
Now Playing: James Morrison - Man in the Mirror (This is a really really brilliant cover. I'm torn between this and the acoustic one Kris did during his Conway homecoming.)
The new typhoon couldn't have come at a better time. No CAT! No Algeb UT! And I can study for college entrance tests again!
The awesome weather is just a plus. ;)
You've got me poppin'
My first absent.
I could NOT believe in hell that I now actually have an absent in my Senior year. I've always had perfect attendance, and the only stuff that prevents me from going to school are stuff like a really bad ankle from stupid jump rope-ing (Grade 4), dengue (Grade 6) and powerful stress-induced fevers (Grade 7).
Now, you can add cellulitis and freakin infected wound to that list.
Basically, I have a HORRIBLE thing on my right forearm. It started off as this tiny red bump. It grew uglier and uglier everyday, and now it's climbing its fast-becoming one of the grossest things I've ever seen (ETA: now it's so ugly, it makes my classmates cover their mouths in horror). I could, but I wouldn't describe it in detail; it'd easily make you barf last Thursday's lunch.
But I'm making myself productive now, actually. Studying for the upcoming college entrance tests.
Last Sunday, we watched Hannah Montana: The Movie. Finally - been raring to watch it onscreen for a long time now. And it's actually really good. The "The Climb" scene had me in tears.
Since the wholesome Disney dose left me wanting a bit more, I succumbed to watching the then-dormant Princess Protection Program on my iPod. I wasn't disappointed - it was Disney fluff through and through. But that's not a bad thing, really.
Other movies I'm waiting to watch:
- Toy Story 3 One of my favorite childhood movies! I can't believe there'd actually be a part 3.
- Up Because Pixar movies are love.
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- The Ugly Truth
- Funny People
- I Love You, Beth Cooper Just because it's a high school movie all the way.
- (500) Days of Summer Zooey Deschanel ♥
- My Sister's Keeper
- New York, I Love You I have a feeling it's going to be my next He's Just Not That Into You.
- Final Destination 4 Airplane crash, car crash, roller coaster malfunction.. I'm pining for a haunted classroom next!
Blue sunset
Boy I'm tired. My feet cries in pain.
But I did find them. ;)
Gaby, my Kapatiran sister - thanks so much! >:D<
The Search for the Perfect Vest
Just a while ago, Mig accompanied me to RP, where I searched for The Perfect Vest for my Boy Abunda costume for the celebrity cruise-themed Kapatiran. (Wonder why I went for him? Look up "Banana Split NNNN" on YouTube. Incredible.) We harrassed numerous stores to no avail. During our little break, as I was sipping my deliciously sour green mango Fruitas shake, I was profusely ranting that I could not believe how hard it is to find a decent vest. Just as I was planning to give up, we chanced upon Ate Joy, who pointed me to Bayo (which I missed for some reason), and I found this great black 50%-off vest.
(While scouring RP, I had our househelp ask my Tito Reg if he has a vest I can borrow. He did have one and it's more Boy Abunda-y - it's silky - so I've decided to use it instead. Absolutely no regrets about the great buy, though.)
Now, I hope that's going to be kind of what happens in our Kapatiran culminating activity tomorrow.
This was supposed to happen two weeks ago. We were at the peak of the Kapatiran - everyone was having the time of their lives, and I bet this includes the Freshmen who had to strut their supermodel strut down the caf, butt-spell the names of an entire barkada on top of a table, and do their best Sisa impersonation in front of a deliriously amused crowd. But stupid quarantine disrupted our plans, and now we have no choice to make do with tomorrow.
We made the most of it, though. We worked our usual magic and managed to still get the pool and extend the activity up to 6pm (CIRs, revised scheds and announcements all in one day - you don't know how tedious that really is). It was cramming at its best.
But that doesn't stop me from being scared. There are still a lot of loopholes here and there, still a lot of stuff to resolve. I'm tired as hell too. For some reason, this day drained me more than any preparation day for the prom ever did. I'm attributing it to the scary fact that I'd be dealing with two batches for a change, when I'm unsurprisingly very used to just one. (And now I'm realizing a blessing in disguise here.)
But whatever happens, I hope I find my Ate Joy tomorrow. And my vest.
When all your love is gone, who will save me?
Watched videos of the American Idol 09 Tour. And ohwow. Kris Allen in Bright Lights - lethal.
Shortcuts and longer ways
The 10-Day Quarantine is officially over. Not really sure how I feel about that.
Since I apparently once more don't have much to say, I will utilize the shotgun method of blogging!
* A few weeks back, I read on the TWOP forums that the Kris Allen LJ community is planning to do a birthday video for him. I've just seen it recently, and it melted me on the spot. It's set to the crapfest that is No Boundaries, which is growing on me at an exponential rate (I was singing along while watching - he really does makes everything kick awesome). You can view it here. Really wish I could've been part of something like this though! * Hilary Duff on GG is all kinds of wrong. * As I am typing this, I am printing all my Quarantine homework. And boy, they're a lot. School's wasting way too much of our bond paper supply. And ink! * I actually already started on my ACET essay. Needs a whole lot of adding and editing, but the point is there. Hee. Sorry for being so excited. @-) * I still can't believe that I had the balls to make my paper on Philo ("What do you wonder most about?" - another hella crazy question) be about nen, chakra, chi and/or spirit energy. I am watching way too much anime. * Okay I admit it. I have given in. I have started to read some of the fanfics from the link *below*. It's crazy, and I kind of hate myself for actually enjoying it. * Slender blond boy, indeed! * Been spending a lot of my time in the HxH NexGear forums. There's this insanely funny pic in one of the users' signature (Bevanz). Click to see. It's priceless. --> See what I mean? I LAUGHED FOR DAYS. * And yet another link: I've just discovered the most awesome place to download scans of Japanese fashion magazines. Happy! (I plan to scan-share soon.)
Crazy chasing
Quarantine Day #9
* It sucks that I only figured out now that Hero airs Akazukin Cha Cha (my childhood anime) on 5:30 pm. * Speaking of childhood anime, Yu Yu Hakusho on Animax is nearing the semi-finals of the DT! Can't wait to see Kurama the Fox. :x * The Pokemon ep yesterday was so KAWAII! May's widdle Squirtle is precious. * This site is incredible, to say the very least. Shounen-ai and yaoi fanfic galore. Mind you, I don't actually read them - it's just an amazing collection. HxH fans should check out The Ninety-Six-Second Summary of Hunter x Hunter. It is a masterpiece. * ECON IS TORTURE. I'm sick of graphs. * I have still yet to finish my IP proposal thing. * I need to get me some new magazines. The collector in me is getting antsy. * Anyone know where I can get decent El Fili chapter summaries in English??
Nothing like a little irony
Ms. ____, HAVE A HEART. Ms. _______, do you really think we could get this on our own? Stop being delusional please. We can't! We're not *sniff* perfect! Ms. __, this is asking for too much. Ms. _______, not everyone likes to read yo. Mr. _____/___, in the end you are the one who's going to have a difficult time reading all these essays. Three per student? And what if we all produce horrible writing? So there. Ms. ____, thank you for the MINIMAL amount of homework. Ms. _____, same goes for you too. Ms. ___, I was planning to do copy-paste-cite but thought against it. Now I think my SWOT paper is ten levels of brilliant. You better agree. Ms. ___, you scare me. So even if it is totally against all aspects of my will, I will do your shit. Ms. ______/__/__, it's true what they say. Non-acads can RUIN you.
I am a mess.
Okay. On to less troubling stuff (or not).
One of the two essays we have to do for Philo asks the age-old question "What is the meaning of my life?" The moment I read that on the now-infamous ample homework-filled blackboard, I was shocked beyond words. No, really? Some of us aren't even sure of what to take up in college and now we're being shoved a highly-debated theological, religious and even scientific (and possibly RHETORICAL) question?
To counter that, I just typed mindless blah on my MS Word document until I satisfied myself. But before that I researched the question on ever-reliable (or not) Wikipedia and look at the dirt I found. Here's a bit of the last two of the "Popular Views" part (had to cut some parts - it's okay, not too important anyway):

Ha. Funny.
I went with the one I lined with red. Not just because it's going to make a short explanation, but also because I kind of truly agree.
So what do you think is the meaning of your life?
(If our Philo teacher can throw that question around, so can I.)
*An amazing prom
*Learn to drive
*To still be in Section 2 with my loves Kind of ;))
*Step foot on NYC ♥
*All Time Low’s So Wrong, It’s Right
*A new iPod
*A white MacBook Pro
*Kris Allen as my American Idol
*Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
*Saving Juliet by Suzanne Selfors
*A new pair of shades
*Automatic Loveletter’s first studio album to come out
*The entire season of Hunter x Hunter and Ultra Maniac
*Skullcandy headphones
*See Marc Nelson in person! :”>
*A new watch
*The 5th time
*A Canon/Nikon DSLR
*A prized neoprint :> :>
*Watch a live NBA game
*My own Robbie (Aaron Johnson) ♥
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